quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2023

Live from Wigmore: HallEsther Yoo / Jae Hong Park

Following a series of international awards, the American violinist has gone on to enjoy an impressive career in the recording studio as well as on the concert platform. Reviewing a recent disc combining the Bruch First and Barber concertos, The Sunday Times described ‘tones of breathtaking beauty in the Bruch Adagio and the Barber Andante’.

Live Stream 06/11/2023

Live from Wigmore: HallEsther Yoo Jae Hong Park
Esther Yoo VIOLIN Jae Hong Park PIANO
PROGRAMME CLAUDE DEBUSSY 1862-1918 Violin Sonata in G minor EDVARD GRIEG 1843-1907 Violin Sonata No. 3 in C minor Op. 45 SERGEY RACHMANINOV 1873-1943 Vocalise Op. 34 No. 14 HENRY VIEUXTEMPS 1820-1881 Souvenir d'Amérique on 'Yankee Doodle' Op. 17

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