quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2023

58 JAZZALDIA: Gonzalo del Val

One of the most outstanding musicians of his generation in the field of national Jazz and one of today’s most highly appreciated and sought after musicians. His drums have accompanied some of Spain’s leading musicians: Marco Mezquida, Marc Miralta, Jon Robles, Albert Bover, David Mengual, Víctor de Diego, Jordi Bonell, Horacio Fumero, Dani Pérez, Joan Albert Amargós,…

As a frontman he can boast 7 albums, particularly including Standards in Dublin (2018), made in Dublin itself and recorded with Dave Liebman, one of the world’s greatest contemporary sax players; or his latest work, Tornaviaje (2022), whose recording included participation of the 4 musicians who will perform in the Victoria Eugenia Theatre

2023/07/25   FCC Victoria Eugenia Antzokia - Donostia / San Sebastián 

58 JAZZALDIA:       Gonzalo del Val   

Gonzalo del Val (drums)
Romain Pilon (electric guitar)
Raynald Colom (trumpet)
Manel Fortia (double bass)

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