segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2023

2.ª de Mahler – Coro e Orquestra Gulbenkian / Hannu Lintu

Hannu Lintu

Hannu Lintu is a prominent Finnish conductor, known for performing obscure orchestral repertoire, as well as avant-garde music.

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Gulbenkian Orchestra

The Gulbenkian Orchestra expanded from a Baroque chamber group to a medium-sized symphony orchestra performing Classical-era and Romantic music.

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Gulbenkian Choir

Having long been associated with the famed orchestra of the same institution, Lisbon's Gulbenkian Foundation Chorus has also worked independently.

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Live Stream 24/11/2023

2.ª de Mahler Coro e Orquestra Gulbenkian / Hannu Lintu

György Ligeti Atmosphères * Gustav Mahler Sinfonia n.º 2, em Dó menor, Ressurreição * Cem Anos do Nascimento de György Ligeti.
Coro Gulbenkian Orquestra Gulbenkian Hannu Lintu, Maestro Tuuli Takala, Soprano Wiebke Lehmkuhl, Contralto

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