sábado, 14 de outubro de 2023

Live 58 Jazzaldia - Carles Margarit Quinteto

 The Catalan quintet presents No se pierde la señal, recordando a Joan Margarit, in a show of poetry and music following the common thread of the poems by the creator from Lleida who died in 2021. Jazz and poetry join hands in this proposal, where the verses of one of the greatest poets in Catalan and Spanish literature are projected in music form or recited. A joy for the senses with Carles Margarit (sax, arrangements and music director) as the composer. 

2023/07/23 FCC Victoria Eugenia Antzokia - Donostia / San Sebastián

Live 58 Jazzaldia Carles Margarit Quinteto

Laura Ximó (vocals)
Xavier Algans (piano)
Carles Margarit (sax, music director)
Raimon Ferrer (double bass)
David Xirgú (drums)

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