segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2022

5.ª de Mahler: Orquestra Gulbenkian / Guerrero / Kozhukhin

Giancarlo Guerrero

Guerrero has conducted a wide range of music, both symphonic and operatic, and has made notable recordings of contemporary works.
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Denis Kozhukhin

Pianist Kozhukhin makes quite an impression on audiences with his confidence as he performs technically difficult music.  
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5.ª de Mahler       
Orquestra Gulbenkian
Giancarlo Guerrero Maestro Denis Kozhukhin Piano

Robert Schumann Concerto para Piano e Orquestra, em Lá menor, op. 54 1. Allegro affettuoso 2. Intermezzo: Andantino grazioso – 3. Finale: Allegro vivace — INTERVALO DE 20 MIN — Gustav Mahler Sinfonia n.º 5, em Dó sustenido menor 1. Trauermarsch: In gemessenem schritt – Streng – Wie ein Kondukt (Marcha fúnebre: Compassado – Severo – Como um cortejo) 2. Stürmisch bewegt, mit größter Vehemenz (Tempestuoso, com grande veemência) 3. Scherzo: Kräftig, nicht zu schnell (Enérgico, andante) 4. Adagietto: Sehr langsam (Muito lento) 5. Rondo-Finale: Allegro – Allegro giocoso

Live stream 09/12/2022

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