quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2019

jazzahead! 2018: Aly Keïta - Jan Galega Brönnimann - Lucas Niggli

Aly Keïta    Balafon
Jan Galega Brönnimann   Clarinets, Soprano
Lucas Niggli       Drums, Percussion

Aly Keita is one of the grand masters of the balafonthe West African xylophone. The Ivorianmusician won countless awards (including the German World Music Award "Ruth") and fits the balafon in interaction with artists such as Joe ZawinulOmar Sosa and Jan Garbarek

Together with the Swiss clarinetist Jan Galega Brönnimann and Swiss drummer Lucas Niggli, both born in Cameroon, Keïta mixes the traditional African repertoire with Western jazz, Improvisation and African rhythms.

 This "Brotherhood ofvibes and Grooves" takes the audience on an adventurous ride - from the deepest jungle to great lengths under the African sky andback to Europe.

African Jazz Trance
Aly Keïta balaphon
Jan Galega Brönniman bass clarinet, soprano saxophone
Lucas Niggli drums, percussion

live at K9

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